Support Us
You can donate to ODA-USA by sending a check, made payable to ODA-USA, to: P.O. Box 1816, Beltsville, MD 20704.
Other Ways To Give:
ODA-USA accepts Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, and other financial instruments as donation. Also ODA-USA accepts real estates with no outstanding liens. If you have any of the foregoing and wish to donate them to ODA-USA, consider selling them and donating all or some of the proceeds to ODA-USA. If you wish to donate them to ODA-USA at the time of your death, please draft a Will that expresses your desires. Consult your accountant or lawyer for clarifications on the impact of such gifts or donation to your tax burden or your Estate. As a general matter, ODA-USA being a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity organization, donations to ODA-USA would not increase your tax liabilities.